Publication Terms:

  • The journal publishes genuine, innovative scientific research that adds value to the literature available and contributes knowledge, considering the intellectual property and linguistic integrity in compliance with common scientific methodology.
  • Research and studies are accepted in both Arabic and English languages. The research must be original, taken not in part or full from any other already-published source (e.g., book, thesis, journal, paper, …etc.); the researcher must undertake in a written form that the work is original and that it is not a proceeding of any conference.
  • The researcher shall write his name, where they work and e-mail on a separate paper sheet on the front page of the research, without revealing the identity in the body of the research to preserve objectivity and avoid bias.
  • The journal does not stick to a single pattern in the body of the research report due to the diversity in the nature of scientific research, whether quantitative or qualitative. Yet, the main elements common to both are as in the following models:


  • Model (1) Humanities: Research title- abstract - introduction - research problem - objective – the importance of research - scope - relevant previous studies - research hypotheses - research methodology (research outlines /1st Section: Heading 1... sub-headings; Heading 2, Subheadings… etc.; 2nd Section …Heading1, subheadings, Heading 2, Subheadings... etc.), Results and discussion- Conclusion– list of references/ bibliography.


  • Model (2) Humanities: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Research Problem and Questions, Objectives, Significance of the research, Scope, Review of Related Literature, Hypotheses, Method and Procedures (Research Methodology, Community, Samples, Variables, Tool, (Data Processing) Statistical Analysis), Results and Discussion, Recommendations, List of References/ Bibliography.


  • Th title: on the first page of the research.
  • The abstract in Arabic: Write the abstract, which does not exceed (150) words, on the second page, followed by keywords.
  • The abstract in English: Abstract is written in English (almost 150 words) and placed on the third page, followed by keywords.
  • The introduction: this section includes the background, relevance & justifications and previous studies.
  • Research methodology: this is bound to selecting an appropriate research methodology that complies with the nature of the research problem; it includes procedures and quantitative and qualitative data processing, analysis, and interpretations that enable the researcher to address the problem with clearly stated research hypotheses.
  • The results must be presented and discussed concerning research questions, hypotheses and a review of related research based on a strong theoretical frame. Furthermore, in the discussion, the researcher is expected to conceptualise, synthesise, and integrate all articles reported in the paper to demonstrate coherence and a high level of abstraction and critical reflections.
  • Conclusions & Recommendations: in this part, the researcher summarises the most prominent results. The researcher states the recommendations and suggestions in light of the results and discussion.
  • References: The references must be listed according to the American Psychological Association, 6th edition (APA, 6th).
  • The references must be alphabetically listed.
  • Model (3) Applied Sciences: Title - Abstract - Introduction - Review of related Literature - Hypotheses - Materials and Methods - Methodology (Background / Research Design/ Research Site/ Community / Sample / Tools of study/Statistical Data Analysis) - Results- Discussion, Conclusion - Recommendations - List of References/ Bibliography.
  • The researcher undertakes in a written form provided by the Journal to abide by the rules of scientific research, its known ethics, and copyrights in his research.
  • The research paper must be in Arabic or English, in an e-version, and compatible with the Word document. The font (Arabic simplified), size 14, double spaces; the margins must be adjusted to 2 cm from all sides, provided that 25 pages are the maximum limit of the research paper, including the list of references and appendices. Tables must be written on separate pages with their purpose specified. All pages, tables, and figures must be numbered sequentially. A sequential number is assigned in place of the footnotes, while the footnotes are written at the end of the research.
  • All papers submitted for publication are entitled to blind peer review. Competent, knowledgeable, and objective reviewers are confidentially selected, while the identity of the researchers is kept anonymous.
  • The journal is open to publishing abstracts of scientific theses, book reviews, and translations. Opinions and ideas driven scientifically and that address contemporary problems and issues in the humanitarian and applied fields are also welcomed.