The Impact of Applying Quality Dimensions on Improving Health Service at Al Amal Oncology Center - Taiz


  • Moaz Ahmed Abdel Karim Al-Sharahi Doctoral student in health administration, Taiz University
  • Adel Al-Amiri Associate Professor, Taiz University



Quality Dimensions, Health Service, Oncology Treatment


Impact of applying quality dimensions on health service improvement in Al Amal center for oncology treatment-Taiz.

The current research aim to recognize on the level of health quality of service in Al-Amal center. Also aim to find out the impact of applying the quality dimension on health service improvement in the center as a whole similar field as: response, dependence, tangibility, empathy, assurance and guarantee at Al-Amal center for oncology treatment-Taiz. The form study of all employees in A-Amal center from administrative and technical, reaching the number of (96) employees. For research goals approval must be done on analytic prescription.

The research has been reach to the following result:

- The level of health quality service performance as a whole in Al-Amal center of oncology treatment-Taiz was huge.

- As for the performance level as a whole dimensions separately, the level of performance was very big to dimension of response and empathy, while the rest of dimensions of dependence, tangibility and guarantee was only big. The level of applying in health service improvement field in Al-Amal center was big.

As field research showed presence of impact on applying the quality dimensions on health service improvement in Al-Amal center for oncology treatment-Taiz as a study replace, through the statistic research the following appeared:

- There is a trace through a statistic sign at a sign level (α ≤0.05) at applying the quality dimension (response, dependence, tangibility, empathy, guarantee/assurance) on health service improvement.

- There is a trace through a statistic sign at a sign level (α ≤ 0.05) at applying the quality dimension separately (response, dependence, tangibility, empathy, guarantee/assurance) on health service improvement in Al-Amal center for oncology treatment-Taiz.

Based on this result, this study comes with group of recommendations and suggestions for health service improvement quality. Among them, the researcher recommends that Al-Amal center focus on continuity of work with quality while increasing the levels of quality of health service in its different field in Al-Amal center to improve the health service level to a very high level.



How to Cite

Al-Sharahi, M. A. A. K., & Al-Amiri, A. (2024). The Impact of Applying Quality Dimensions on Improving Health Service at Al Amal Oncology Center - Taiz. Al Saeed University Journal of Humanities Sciences, 6(5), 100–125.