The role of professional and life skills in raising the level of educational preparation for teachers from their point of view


  • Laith Hamza Al-Tamimi College of Arts - Al-Qadisiyah University
  • Haifa Mahmoud Al-Ashqar College of Education - Al-Baath University



professional life skills - educational preparation.


     The current study aimed to identify the role of professional and life skills in raising the level of educational preparation for teachers from their point of view. In this study, the researcher used the professional and life skills questionnaire.

     The arithmetic mean for the skill of creative thinking was (1.8), while the arithmetic mean for the skill of critical thinking was (1.81), and thus the arithmetic mean for the skill of working within a team was (1.90), communication and listening skill (2.17), negotiation skill (1.87) and decision-making skill (1.73). The skill of self-management (1.96), the skill of respecting diversity (2.27), and the skill of conflict resolution (2.32).

  • There are statistically significant differences in the mean scores of males and females in the practice of professional life skills in favor of females, as the arithmetic mean dimension reached (101.20) and for males (85.22).
  • There are statistically significant differences in the mean scores of teachers on the professional life skills questionnaire due to the educational qualification variable in favor of diploma and above in the nine skills.
  • There are statistically significant differences in the mean scores of female teachers on the professional life skills questionnaire due to the experience variable in favor of 10 years or more in the nine skills.

Author Biographies

Laith Hamza Al-Tamimi, College of Arts - Al-Qadisiyah University


College of Arts - Al-Qadisiyah University

Haifa Mahmoud Al-Ashqar, College of Education - Al-Baath University

College of Education - Al-Baath University



How to Cite

Al-Tamimi, L., & Al-Ashqar, H. (2023). The role of professional and life skills in raising the level of educational preparation for teachers from their point of view. Al Saeed University Journal of Humanities Sciences, 6(3), 48–75.