The phenomenon of digital drugs, its causes and mechanisms to confront it


  • Sirwan Shukr Samin Department of Law, Garmian University



digital drugs, electronic addiction, audio clips.


     Digital drugs have become a phenomenon that worries and disturbs the international community in general and the Iraqi society in particular with all its spectrums, due to its connection with the changes that occurred in the world of digital, and given the media halo created by this type of abuse, which the Internet has become a popular market for, as it is sold and marketed in the absence of a legal deterrent and explicit texts to criminalize This type of psychotropic effect, so it became necessary to shed light on this phenomenon, which attracts young people and adolescents and pulls them into the world of digital addiction, by codifying the necessary legislation that criminalizes everything that affects the human mind through software.

     This study is an attempt to show what digital drugs are as a new and dangerous social phenomenon of unregulated addiction, which is a product of globalization and digitalization. To confront it legislatively, socially and technically.

Author Biography

Sirwan Shukr Samin, Department of Law, Garmian University

Department of Law, Garmian University



How to Cite

Samin, S. (2023). The phenomenon of digital drugs, its causes and mechanisms to confront it. Al Saeed University Journal of Humanities Sciences, 6(3), 23–47.