Teaching competencies and their availability in the practical education course (field) and the student teacher’s practice of them in the Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Pure Sciences


  • Abdul Wahid Mahmood Mohamed Alkanaany Department of Mathematics – College of Education Science pure University of Basrah




teaching competencies - practical education course.


The aim of the research is to determine the teaching competencies and to identify their availability in the practical education course (field) and to evaluate the practice of the student teacher in the Mathematics Department of the College of Education for Pure Sciences for the academic year (2021-2022). Their number is (31) male and female students. The researcher prepared (5) main teaching competencies, which are (competencies: personal, planning, executive, administrative, and evaluative) for the purpose of analyzing the practical education course. Adequacy was verified for its validity and reliability, and the research sample was evaluated after the end of the practical education program through micro-teaching. The analytical descriptive approach was used. The results showed, using the weighted mean and the percentage weight, that there are a number of teaching competencies that were not achieved by students during the implementation of the initial preparation program, including what It is related to the psychological preparation of the student, and in some competencies of preparation, planning, implementation and evaluation due to the lack of all requirements in micro-teaching as in the real field (school class), as well as the lack of The students failed to implement the competencies, and after diagnosing the unachieved competencies, they were re-explained in different ways and some practices were conducted on them and with the participation of students in order to avoid them when they practice teaching in secondary education. Using the weighted mean and the percentage weight, there are a number of unachieved teaching competencies, including the use of teaching aids and diversity in assessment methods. The researcher attributed this to the lack of experience of the applied students. Some recommendations were also made regarding the importance of training students in the practical education course according to teaching competencies.

Author Biography

Abdul Wahid Mahmood Mohamed Alkanaany, Department of Mathematics – College of Education Science pure University of Basrah

Department of Mathematics – College of Education Science pure University of Basrah



How to Cite

Alkanaany, A. W. (2023). Teaching competencies and their availability in the practical education course (field) and the student teacher’s practice of them in the Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Pure Sciences. Al Saeed University Journal of Humanities Sciences, 6(3), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.59325/sjhas.v6i3.134