Indoor pollution in Anas district, Dhamar governorate, Yemen: a study in environmental geography


  • Dr. Muhammad Murshid Radman modhesh Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, College of Arts, Taiz University, Vice Dean of the Community College for Academic Affairs, Sha`rb Al-Salam, Taiz, Yemen.



Indoor pollution - the geography of the environment - amalgamation


The internal environment in Yemen is exposed to many contaminants, which cause the population to suffer many diseases, especially the elderly and those who deal with these pollutants, because of the ignorance of the population of the danger of these pollutants. The Directorate of Anas is one of the most important Yemeni areas exposed to these pollutants because of: The use of chemicals without knowledge and knowledge of agricultural products - the crowding of the population in a closed place for the use of khat and smoking - the use of modern technologies and others), led to the injury of the population of many diseases, The problem was Study the following questions:
- What are the main pollutants in the study area? What are the effects of these pollutants? What are the appropriate solutions for these pollutants? The study aimed to identify the most important pollutants that are exposed to the population of the study area, and the effects of these pollutants, and develop appropriate solutions.

The study was based on the descriptive approach, the analytical method and the environmental approach. The study also relied on observation, personal interviews and others. The study also reached a number of recommendations, including relying on clean energy sources to cook food, avoiding crowded places, and raising awareness of citizens about the dangers of pesticide pollution, the danger of electromagnetic pollution, attention to ventilation of enclosed spaces, kitchens and others.



How to Cite

modhesh, D. (2019). Indoor pollution in Anas district, Dhamar governorate, Yemen: a study in environmental geography. Al Saeed University Journal of Humanities Sciences, 3(1), 13.