Demographic characteristics and measuring the relative importance of knowledge evidence in human development in the Arab world


  • Dr\ Layla Qaed Qasim Saeed Assistant Professor of Statistics - College of Administrative Sciences - Najran University - Saudi Arabia



Arab World, demographic variables, human development evidence, knowledge guide, multiple linear correlation


The study aimed at clarifying the demographic characteristics of the Arab population, And indicators of human development in the Arab world, And to measure the relative importance of the knowledge manual, This was addressed by studying the correlation between human development evidence in the Arab world and determining multiple linear correlation models using gradual regression (Stepwise).

The study reached a number of results, the most prominent of which was: There is a significant positive relationship at the level of significance of 5% among the evidence of human development in the Arab world, The strongest relationship was between the human development index and the long and healthy life index with a correlation coefficient of (0.91.)

Then comes the second relation between the HDI and the decent standard of living with a correlation coefficient of (0.907)

The relationship between the human development index and the knowledge index is a correlation coefficient of 0.835, which confirms that measuring the relative importance of the knowledge index is the third most important evidence of human development in the Arab world



How to Cite

Saeed, D. L. (2018). Demographic characteristics and measuring the relative importance of knowledge evidence in human development in the Arab world. Al Saeed University Journal of Humanities Sciences, 1(2), 10.