Investigating of Using Code Switching in Teaching and Learning of Third-level Students of English Department, Toor-Albaha College, Lahj University


  • Basma Mustafa Abdulla Numaan English: Linguistics Toor- Albaha university college University of Lahj Department of Education University of Lahj



Code-switching, EFL, Function and types of Code-switching


Code-switching is a common phenomenon in many bilingual/ multilingual countries. In monolingual countries such as Yemen, code-switching phenomenon appears in the field of education. Code-switching is a fact that cannot be ignored in any way where English is taught as a foreign language. This study is investigated Using Code Switching in Teaching and Learning of Third-level Students of English Department, Toor-Albaha College University of Lahj. The study focused on the functions and types of code-switching that appear in the process of teaching and learning English. It used descriptive approach. Accordingly, the tools used for collecting data included classroom observation and audio recording. The subject of this study were 3 English instructors and 35 students of English department, Toor-Albaha. The results of the study showed that the instructors and students resort to using different types of code-switching in many situations for educational, management and social purposes. It is recommended to use code-switching carefully and judiciously to support the process of teaching and learning English.



How to Cite

Numaan, B. M. A. (2024). Investigating of Using Code Switching in Teaching and Learning of Third-level Students of English Department, Toor-Albaha College, Lahj University. Al Saeed University Journal of Humanities Sciences, 7(2), 140–158.