The Pronunciation Problems of English Consonant Sounds Faced by the First Level Students of the Department of English, Faculty of Education Toor- Albaha


  • Safa Adnan Ali Salah English: Linguistics Toor- Albaha university college University of Lahj Department of English University of Lahj



EFL Learners, EFL- English Consonant Sounds


 English is not a one – to one relationship between letters and sounds. There is often no correspondence between written word and spoken word. English pronunciation inconsistency makes EFL learners erroneous while pronouncing. This study aims at investigating the pronunciation problems of English consonant sounds encountered by the students of the Faculty of Education Toor- Al Baha. It deals with the importance of teaching pronunciation of the English at the Faculty of Education Toor- Albaha. The instruments used for collecting data include teachers’ questionnaire and a recording test. The subjects of this study are 40 students of English department, Faculty of Education – Toor- Al baha.

The results of the study showed that the most problematic consonants sound are (/p/, /v/, /t∫/, /ʤ/, /ŋ/). because these sounds do not exist in Arabic Language. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended that additional attention must be given to speaking skill including pronunciation.



How to Cite

Salah, S. A. A. (2024). The Pronunciation Problems of English Consonant Sounds Faced by the First Level Students of the Department of English, Faculty of Education Toor- Albaha. Al Saeed University Journal of Humanities Sciences, 7(2), 121–139.