Evaluation of the content of the book (I Read And Learn) for the first elementary class in the light of acoustic recognition in addition to a suggestive perspective to enrich it


  • Shawki Abdu Mohammed Alhakimi Center of Research and Educational Development Sana'a – Yemen
  • Mohammed Mohsen Muthanna Aldhalie Center of Research and Educational Development Sana'a – Yemen




acoustic recognition, acoustic recognition skills, reading, I Read And learn, early reading style, content analysis


The research aims at the evaluation of the content of the book (I Read And Learn) in the light of the acoustic recognition skills, and knowing the certainty degree of the required acoustic recognition skills necessary and appropriate in the book quantitatively and qualitatively because acoustic recognition skills are substantial and necessary for enabling the pupil to move through which to reading skills without difficulties.

For performing the goal of the research, the two researchers applied the descriptive approach, represented by the analysis of the content by applying the analysis card which contained 11 skills for assessing the acoustic recognition skills in the book.

The results of the analysis of the book led to the realization of four skills of the acoustic recognition as follow (pronunciation, impartment, assimilation, realization) and were noticed in a good way in spite of their reappearance and proportional weight in both parts. Also, the results of the analysis showed that the book neglected the seven remaining acoustic skills under study which are (comprehension, monitoring, classification, deletion, substitution, addition, and construction) which were not found in the book. The research presented a suggestive perspective which recommends manipulating the inapproprite points in the book on the basis of: checking the proportional distribution of the acoustic recognition in the content of the book I Read And Learn, and deal with them gradually in both parts of the book, and the necessity of including them generally in the curriculum of Arabic Language for the serries (1-3) gradulally, in addition to put pupils of the first stages for periodical assessment tests for assessing the effect of the acoustic curriculum in accelerating the skill of reading and reading knowledge and to determine whether there is a deficit in the curriculum of the book or the method of teaching or other educational factors.



How to Cite

Alhakimi, S. A. M., & Aldhalie , M. M. M. (2024). Evaluation of the content of the book (I Read And Learn) for the first elementary class in the light of acoustic recognition in addition to a suggestive perspective to enrich it. Al Saeed University Journal of Humanities Sciences, 7(2), 67–99. https://doi.org/10.59325/sjhas.v7i2.212