The extent to which Governmental Hospitals comply with health conditions in the management of medical waste: An Applied Study on Government Hospitals in Taiz city


  • Kamel Mohammed Ahmed Ghaleb Alwageh Specialization in health administration Taiz University - Yemen



Medical Waste, Medical Waste Management, Government Hospitals


 He aim of the study is to know the extent of the commitment of government hospitals in Taiz city to health conditions related to the management of medical waste in its various stages; collection and sorting, transportation and temporary storage, and final disposal. The researcher used the analytical descriptive method to carry out the study. The researcher also used a questionnaire to collect the basic information for the study. It is the appropriate tool for collecting such information.

The researcher, in addition, carried out irregular interviews with managers and employees of government hospitals in Taiz city.

The researcher also reviewed many previous studies, books and relevant scientific journals to provide secondary resources, which had a major role in enriching this study with information and knowledge that formed a foundation for this research in many aspects of the study.

The Population of the study represented all the five public hospitals in Taiz City.

The study came at many results, for example, government hospitals have an independent Management in the supervision and follow-up of waste collection and sorting works, and there are regulations and arranging instructions management process of the waste and the relative commitment of workers to preventive means/ tools.

 However, there is a great shortcoming in following preventive measures in general, which causes danger to hospital staff and visitors.

The results of the study also showed that there is a relative commitment to the process of collecting and sorting medical waste in government hospitals, but this does not represent an actual commitment by those hospitals and is considered a formal commitment, as most of the elements of sorting and collection are not available:

  • activating commitment with the medical conditions for waste management in its various stages.
  • Providing special rooms by the hospital administration designated for storing medical waste that are compatible with the volume of waste generated within two days according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization.
  • Conducting awareness and training courses for workers in the field of collecting and transporting solid waste continually outside those hospitals.



How to Cite

Alwageh , K. M. A. G. (2024). The extent to which Governmental Hospitals comply with health conditions in the management of medical waste: An Applied Study on Government Hospitals in Taiz city. Al Saeed University Journal of Humanities Sciences, 7(2), 1–32.