The role of the Prophet’s Sunnah in being firm and harsh on the sinner, an objective study


  • Muhammad Ali Muhammad Yahya Al-Akhrash Assistant Professor, Specialization in the Prophet’s Sunnah College of Education - Taiz University



strictness, hardness, the sinner, Prophetic Sunnah, dealing


This study aimed at recognizing the way of dealing with the sinner that it strictly hardened and kept tight control on him.In addition, it clarified the way we should deal with him till refraining from his sin.Also, it showed an aspect dealing with the sinner from the dealing aspects of prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him, especially the person which mercy and softness doesn't benifit and suit him or his done mistakes. It is a reply to those who see Islamic judgments tyrannical and abusive in case of punishment of the sinner.It is a statment that firmness and hardness doesn't deny mercy and softness but for each one its position.

In this study, the researcher used the inductive approach to the prophetic texts of Sunnah in order to elicit the indicated prophetic Haddiths of hardness and firmness on the sinner to correct his faults, for instance but not as an investigation, and to study it as a subjective unity.

The most important results in this study is the variation of mistakes treatment in prophetic Sunnah. And hardness and firmness on the sinner is from the stable qualities in prophet Mohammed guidence, peace be upon him, not as it is spread that the guidance of prophet, peace be upon him, was just softness and mercy, but for each one its right postion. likewise, it hands out punishment, hardness and strictness on the sinner which may stop him doing his mistake.

The study recommended to follow prophetic metod in dealing with the sinner and estimating the condition, and sometimes the treatment of the mistake is hardness and strictness.



How to Cite

Al-Akhrash, M. A. M. Y. (2024). The role of the Prophet’s Sunnah in being firm and harsh on the sinner, an objective study. Al Saeed University Journal of Humanities Sciences, 7(1), 65–91.