Foods and drinks in the Qur'an and Sunnah Their impact on health (An objective study)


  • Abdul-Alam Saeed Qaid Al-Himyari Assistant Professor of Interpretation and Quranic Sciences, Department of Sharia and Law College of Administrative and Human Sciences Al-Jand University of Science and Technology - Taiz



effect, drinks, foods, bodily, Sunnah, health, Quran, permissible, forbidden.


 This objective study aims to demonstrate the effect of foods and drinks in the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah on physical health. It used the inductive and analytical approach. To achieve the objectives of the study; It traced the Qur’anic verses and the hadiths of the Prophet related to food and drink, analyzed the texts and the opinions of scholars on that matter. In order to show the effect of permitted and prohibited foods and drinks on human physical health.

 The study reached several results, the most important are:

  • Islam's care for physical health through the verses of the Holy Qur'an and the hadiths of the Prophet's Sunnah related to food and drink. Permissible foods and drinks have a great impact on a person's physical health, because they energize and strengthen the body.
  • Islam's care for the human being and urges him to preserve the elements of his physical health, one of which is to avoid forbidden foods and drinks because they have a negative impact on his physical health, and even his life.

Author Biography

Abdul-Alam Saeed Qaid Al-Himyari, Assistant Professor of Interpretation and Quranic Sciences, Department of Sharia and Law College of Administrative and Human Sciences Al-Jand University of Science and Technology - Taiz

Assistant Professor of Interpretation and Quranic Sciences,

Department of Sharia and Law

College of Administrative and Human Sciences

 Al-Jand University of Science and Technology - Taiz




How to Cite

Al-Himyari, A.-A. (2023). Foods and drinks in the Qur’an and Sunnah Their impact on health (An objective study). Al Saeed University Journal of Humanities Sciences, 6(4), 246–281.