About the Journal:

Al Saeed University Journal for Applied Sciences is a semi-annual, peer-reviewed, indexed scientific journal issued by the Center of Researches and Studies at Saeed University. It aims to publish authentic, innovative scientific researches in the field of medical, engineering, environmental, agricultural, natural, and computer sciences.  This is according to the conditions of scientific research in accordance with international standards.  The journal has the International Classification Numbers (ISSN: 2616-6305) for the printed version, and (ISSN: 2790-7554) for the electronic version. The journal has the DOI (10.59325). It is issued regularly, electronically and in paper, and publishes researches in Arabic and English. Moreover, it is also available for reading and downloading (Open-Access) as an easy access to information.

 Vision of the Journal:

The journal seeks to enable Al-Saeed University to have a prominent role and as a herald for scientific researchers at the local, regional and international levels.

Mission of the Journal:

The journal seeks to be a scientific background for researchers in applied sciences, to contribute in spreading the culture of scientific research, and to truly participate with researchers and institutions of the local, Arab, and international community in accordance with quality assurance standards.

The Number of Publications:

1- The journal is triannual (e.g., in January,July of each year on a regular and continuous basis), and it has e-version and paper version.

2- After the journal is issued and printed, the researcher is given a hard copy and two extracts from his research.

3- With its various research, the journal is uploaded to its website and the university’s websites, then to Google Scholar.

Ranking and influence coefficients of the journal:



